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Hi.  My name is john

Global warming claims on Earth by humans are an obvious  fraud once you have the truth.

My 100 kilowatt hour battery weighs 78.1 pounds.  The Tesla 100 kilowatt hour battery weighs more than 1,300 pounds.  Tesla car travels less than 343 miles when fully charged.  My electric car travels more than 1,000 miles when fully charged.

My 100 kwh battery is shown above in green and weighs 78.1 pounds.  The Tesla 100 kwh battery is shown above in purple and weighs more than 1,300 pounds.

If the claims of global warming were true the authorities would want a solution. I have a solution, my battery technology to make very powerful batteries. The USA won’t let me export my battery technology.  I need to export my battery technology in order to cost effectively manufacture batteries.  I do not have the money required to manufacture my batteries in the USA.  I want to export my battery technology and start making cost effective batteries and help the people of Earth.

In 1982 as a senior in High School I took tests called the Armed Services Vocational Apptitude Battery (ASVAB) tests.  Due to my test scores the United States Navy wanted me to run their Nuclear Reactors. I had been accepted to the University of California at Berkeley and decided to go to UC Berkeley and study human Chemistry ideas.

I find many of the beliefs of human professors at UC Berkeley to be humorous.  One especially humorous idea is that a perpetual motion device is not possible. I built one in 1977 when I was 13 years old.  Humans say funny things.

In 1999 I started working on battery technology using technology available on Earth. I believe high energy density battery technology is important for the future of the people of Earth. All the research I did, was without government assistance or money, I spent more than 10 years and more than 9, 500 hours working on battery technology. In 2009 I had a breakthrough. My battery technology is better than all battery technology available on Earth that I have reviewed.  I believe that widespread use of my battery technology would end the claims of global warming because their use would significantly reduce the claimed causes of global warming. 

My father had served in the United States Navy.  I planned on selling my battery technology and weapons technology to the United States Navy.

If global warming claims were true the USA would allow me to export my battery technology.  I am not asking for money,  I want to export my battery and weapons technology and earn money selling my batteries and weapons systems.  Parties outside of the USA are willing to work with me. If I were allowed to export my battery and weapons technology I could put many tens of thousands of humans to work outside of the USA and then start selling my batteries and reduce global warming.

I contacted the maker of the HUMVEE to propose an electric version of the HUMVEE.  I believe that an electric HUMVEE with greater range and speed than the existing HUMVEE would be good. During communications with the HUMVEE maker I was asked to provide a battery so the HUMVEE maker could evaluate the performance of my battery.  My concern was that if the battery was stolen that my battery could be taken apart and copied.  I then decided to protect the battery with a self destruct device that would activate if a battery was opened.  The HUMVEE maker was concerned that the self destruct device could hurt people involved in the evaluation, to assure the HUMVEE maker of the safety of the self destruct device I dropped a battery off the edge of a steep hill overlooking San Francisco and recorded video of the battery as it tumbled hundreds of yards down the hill until it finally hit the bottom, the self destruct device did not activate.  I provided the video to the HUMVEE maker but that was not good enough.  I then offered to provide a battery without a self destruct device if the HUMVEE maker posted a bond to be given to me if the battery was opened or stolen.  The HUMVEE maker declined to post a bond.

Later I was contacted by a person who claimed to be a representative of the Clinton Foundation, I do not know if the person claiming to be from the Clinton Foundation was actually a representative of the Clinton Foundation.  The person asked me to provide a battery without a self destruct device. My concern was that if I provided the Clinton Foundation with a battery without a self destruct device the battery could be stolen and taken apart to figure out how it works.

Later I was arrested on several federal charges and convicted.  The judge in my trial, William H. Alsup, had been appointed as a federal judge by President Bill Clinton.  The prosecutor lost evidence that I was innocent.  William H. Alsup allowed the prosecutor to withhold evidence from the jury that showed I was innocent.  Evidence that a person charged with a crime is innocent is called Brady Material.  The prosecutor is required to provide Brady Material to a person charged with a crime and many times don’t because they’ve lost the Brady Material.  I feel prosecutors should be more careful with Brady Material.  The Brady Rule requires prosecutors to disclose Brady Material yet prosecutors often violate the Brady Rule after losing Brady Material.  Prosecutors that are found to have violated the Brady Rule are rarely if ever punished. Thousands of innocent humans have been sent to prison due to prosecutors losing Brady Material. In prison I was told that visits were only allowed on weekends in a place called visitation. Three times while in prison, on a weekday, a guard informed me that I had a visitor. When I went to visitation I was met by a person who claimed to represent the Clinton Foundation. The visitor wanted to speak to me regarding my batteries and wanted to know if they could get one for evaluation without a self destruct device.

After I got out of prison I decided to export my battery technology in order to earn money. Permits are required to export my battery technology. I applied to the Bureau of Industry and Security of the United States Department of Commerce, and obtained the needed approval to export my battery technology and then learned that I also needed approval from the United States Department of State Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC) I then applied to the DDTC, seeking permission to export my battery technology, while waiting for permission to export my battery technology, I then received a letter from the DDTC voiding my application to export my battery technology. In the letter the DDTC asked for detailed plans of my battery technology.

The position of the USA is that I must disclose to the USA how my battery technology works before I can export my battery technology, also the position of the USA is that it has no liability if the plans to my battery technology are stolen while in the custody of the USA, and the USA will not compensate me if my battery technology is stolen while in the custody of the USA. The USA maintains that If I tell the USA how my battery technology works that it has the right to give my battery technology away to anyone they want, like the USA did with vanadium redox flow battery technology, without compensating me. The USA requires me to provide detailed plans of my battery technology before the USA will allow me to export my battery technology.

After spending $15 million in research and production of vanadium redox flow battery (VRFB) technology, the United States Department of Energy gave VRFB technology to the People’s Republic of China (PRC). To see an article regarding the government giving away VRFB technology to China, please click HERE. According to NPR the United States Government gave away VRFB technology to China.  To read the article from NPR click HERE. I don’t want my battery technology to be given away.


The USA maintains that even if it’s proven that an employee of the USA stole the plans to my battery technology that the USA is not liable for the loss due to the doctrine of Qualified Immunity. Qualified Immunity is a legal doctrine in the USA that shields public officials when they commit acts that most people would consider to be wrong, careless or illegal.

California has suffered massive devastating fires causing Billions of Dollars in damage and killed many humans.  A fast response to the start of a fire could prevent massive fires from happening. To achieve that goal I designed and built a flying unmanned craft I call a Fire Suppression Unit (FSU). A FSU is remotely operated in a way similar to how the US military operates drones. A FSU utilizes my battery technology to fly. A FSU carries 125 gallons of water and is armed with multiple water nozzles that can spray water at a fire to extinguish the fire. A FSU has a top speed of over 70 miles per hour and an operational envelope of over 12 hours. I believe that FSUs at the control of a local Fire Authority could arrive at the point of origin of a fire and extinguish the fire before it could grow too large to effectively combat from the ground. FSUs can operate in any area regardless of terrain. Many fires grow so large because firefighters can’t get to the point of origin of a fire to extinguish the fire. Once a fire is detected A FSU could be flown to the point of origin of the fire and begin extinguishing the flames.  FSUs could also act as an Evacuation Craft by placing an injured person in one of the two litters attached to the FSU and flown to a local hospital or waiting medical personnel. FSUs could be used to evacuate people trapped by fire.

A FSU could hover over a fire and provide valuable information to the local fire authority without endangering lives via the onboard cameras.  FSUs have harnesses that can be lowered to pick up people who are trapped.

In a disaster, FSUs could be used to save people and deliver needed medical supplies and food as well as evacuate injured people.  FSU launching pads strategically placed in areas prone to fire could end the problem of massive fires that devastate California.

The total cost to operate a helicopter in a firefighting role is over $1,735.00 per hour and puts the lives of the people in the helicopter at risk. The cost per hour to operate a FSU in a firefighting role is less than $90 per hour.  A FSU could be flown into the worst fire conditions without risking lives.

Many humans ask me if I have a patent. I tell them I do not and I am asked why. The answer is because the USA allows theft of patented technology according to 28 USC 1498. If I were to patent my battery technology a government contractor could use my battery technology without my permission or paying me, and make items and sell them to the USA without paying me.

According to 28 USC 1498 which states, “Whenever an invention described in and covered by a patent of the United States is used or manufactured by or for the United States without license of the owner thereof or lawful right to use or manufacture the same, the owner’s remedy shall be by action against the United States in the United States Court of Federal Claims for the recovery of his reasonable and entire compensation for such use and manufacture. Reasonable and entire compensation shall include the owner’s reasonable costs, including reasonable fees for expert witnesses and attorneys, in pursuing the action if the owner is an independent inventor, a nonprofit organization, or an entity that had no more than 500 employees at any time during the 5-year period preceding the use or manufacture of the patented invention by or for the United States. Nothwithstanding [1] the preceding sentences, unless the action has been pending for more than 10 years from the time of filing to the time that the owner applies for such costs and fees, reasonable and entire compensation shall not include such costs and fees if the court finds that the position of the United States was substantially justified or that special circumstances make an award unjust.” I believe that a court would find that the USA was justified in stealing my battery technology.  I don’t have enough money to pay attorneys to file a suit for me against the USA.

I have contacted many politicians in the USA attempting to get help in exporting my battery technology, none have helped.  My understanding is that the reason no politician has helped me because when I seek assistance their first thought is, “What’s in it for me?”

If you would like an electric car with a range of more than 1,500 miles please send an email to





